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y si.
There once was a story i wanted to tell, but i assumed it was one you all knew too well, maybe i was wrong, was wondering how clear we were gonna say it. How to keep us all interested enoughy to not drift off and start fantasizing about romantic things. But then again, what about those things books, and in movies? are they real? does anybody care? you ride the bus, don't you? ain't nobody ever bumped into you before? was it an accident? Lotta, questions, rhett and scarlett, what they are? can't be true love, but there are others. Unrequited is a word too. It is in the dictionary, after truth i believed. Everyday life somo others i guess look as at romantic, but wath about us people? are those elements impossible for us to experience? do you know and welcome the idea of true love, staging, destiny, mis en scene, hope for internal completion?everyone's talking about their hurt and their rage on the radio, and the armchair judge is the family bible in prime time today, what reality is fake? then drama is superficial and not admired, the judge and the apology is shallow, love is put aside. I think there's one truth, with no subjectivity. And in the comer is a booth with some productivity, under my arm is a device with conductivity and i gave it to you. No Leassons, o.k? the city i live in it ain't no different man! your sidewalk has less cracks in it? how spoiled we are right! funny, funny, funny, but you must have bought a book, and it is a reality to hold in your tought, let's put it together though. We know not to kill after seeing a murder on the screen, but do we know not to love when we see two fulfilled? your morning can go however you want in, no one owes you breakfast for example. No one owes you a ride, and you know damn well you could walk there if you wanted to, and you know too that you could have wath you need. To give is true and admirable too, but to be taken from is loss and and totally false. Imagine that you are being taken from, wath faith is tested? what hope is wuthering? what angel was persecuted who worked so hard at something never to archieve it? Prove it to me and what child who was innocent was pushed to the ground never to get up again? where's he/she at right now? Where's a starbucks when you need one? am i in destiny, am i in my kitchen? you're the book dammit, you are the morning. Don't deny yourself with this duty-woman! don't damn yourself with a painted smile on skull-man put it on the table, and don't deny whatever it is. Do yourself a favor and breathe real, get it ? funny, were all still here man. Nobody left, and it's add because the more you deny it, the funnier it gets. Three kids are playing on the playground, and one turns to the others and says "are they making us go to school or are we learning for the sake of beautiy?" the other kids love this idea, and they laugh and pass notes about it for days. So we all know the right thing to do, and we all root for the underdog in the book, we can't help it! kick yourself off the island. She is her. He is us. The underdog wins the book, and in real - life? Not just in some sports game, you know, but - hey wouldn't it be nice if every sports team, was only allowed to have team members from its own city? no trading, evil can be funny. Rightoursness is a barrel of laughs too, come on, we all know! it's a new century, no sarcasm kids. Boy these kids can take! how bout take the tongues out of the cheeks? no blasphemy, no talking under your breath. Tell me what you want, and we can get it together. I'm bot kidding. They wrote the books to share with you what they assumed could be. They made the films to explore what you didn't get to do at work today. And they wrote the songs to fill in the gops between being some place, and getting there. But it no means, it can't be. You're probably already there, just admit it. Just say it, then you'll get it, stay the truth, and hold with this word behind tooth, to know that truth pushes truth forwad, and to be taken is to be help, and to be stolen from is to lose what truth you deserve, pretending this is pretending to play with no audience but yourself, the options are sometimes not options at all, but distractions or templantions to vive for something or someone alse instead of yourself, breathing can't be taken, the fact can't be shoken, and the truth is still waiting always for you. I think we're gonna be ok.
se me estan acabando las vacaciones y todavia me falta ver gente y hacer cosas, me quiero volver chango.
I'm in the right place at the wrong time, that's how i feel everyday